AIT (auditory integration therapy) can rewire the brain the wrong way and i think is damaging !
however a therapy that is on the right track is this
“ The AMMT treatment uses a combination of singing (intonation) and motor activities to strengthen a network of brain regions that is thought to be abnormal in children with autism ”
scott adams, the very autistic creator of dilbert on using rhyme
all therapies are very dependent on the therapist, the therapist comes before the actual therapy if you see what i mean.
the general parental fix it attitude to therapy is so brutal and there's so little sensitivity to what is going on with their children i don't trust the glowing reports
viral exposure from the therapist and all the co-therapee's is an overwhelming argument against non parent-in-the-home therapy, the chronic viral exposure means taking a heap more steps back than ever can be gone forwards
therapists are constantly exposed to one of the most extremely viral shedding populations around, thier brains and immune systems get crushed
N. writes
“ look he's absolutely worn out at the end of school and you then give a super intense visual processing experience (ed. little einstein video) on top of all the viral exposure at school
unless the video is usefully educational they should be dropped entirely and just be aware of how much a processing burden it as as well as tv , music etc
AIT wrecks brains ” (ed. N. quoting me in a previous post)
what evidence is this statement based on ..... would you explain this further please?
my reply:
collating message board posts over the years and it matches what you would expect to happen with such an imposition on scarce neural resources optimised to a particular brain
basically it reorganises the brain in an inefficient and penal way
N. replies:
I would be interested in them as for my son it made a huge difference to his life, from being a scared little boy it changed his perception on life, gave him confidence, sorted out his expressive language, receptive language and comprehension issues (which he hadn't had he just wasn't hearing on our frequency and lip reading to boot -- very resourceful) -- balance, co-ordination, and a host of other things -- so would be interested in the negatives to be aware of them?
S. replies:
AIT was also a turning point for my son 14 years ago. It was at that point that he began talking and coming out of his own little world. He blossomed after that. He just finished his first semester of college and made Dean's List. He's come a very long way for a child some people thought would never come out of his own little world, and they thought we should have put him "away" and forget about him.
my reply:
what exactly was done in the therapy? would you say the therapist was talented with autistic children??
juts trying to get a feel for the difference between what was done and ait as a system
there must be other major factors as well, it's just not possible for
therapies to make that sort of improvement without major improvements in body biochemistry
of course the background AIT in the average home - low grade music and tv and video is pretty appalling
N. replies
Yes she is a parent of an ASD child herself -- who had done it with her child, saw the benefits it gave him, turned him from a raging aggressive child who had broken her nose aand inflicted other injuries at one point into a lamb.
The only thing done in therapy was listening to the different music through an attenuator-- starting off at very low level as my son was very hyper sensitive and building up slowly as he could tolerate it louder over 2 and a half hour sessions a day for 10 days with a weekend break in between.
I don't know exactly what it did - - I was only going with a view to tuning down his hyper sensitive hearing and targeting the vestibular system -- but this other stuff were the benefits that came with it. It is all to do with the vestibular system that seems to be a link to all the other systems and by having a dysfunction in the vestibular -- puts everything (proprioceptive, tactile, vision, hearing, smell, etc) else out of wack, - I did AIT because I wanted to target the vestibular which is based in the inner ear (I mapped out all the information I gleaned over a period of time and all roads seemed to lead back to the vestibular -- I had read a few books before making this decision, the out of synch child by carol stock kranowitz, reflexes learning and behaviour, Harold levinsons phobia free, the sound of a miracle by Annabel stehli, dancing in the rain by the Georgiana institute, these are the ones I can recall. in fact in Harold levinsons book phobia free he suggests that the vestibular system is our very first brain and that a dysfunction in that system can have a devastating affect in all the other systems, unfortunately his solution was pharmaceuticals which wasn't an option I would consider.
All I can tell you is what happened to my child and where it took him from and too and what it gave him back in his life. I can recall pre AIT taking him up to the top of a lighthouse, and he laid down on the floor (didn't know why at the time but suspect he had a fear of heights/ vertigo (p[hobic behaviour), when I took him post AIT no problem , happily walked around and looked. Something else I can recall was him making comments about his ears being naughty when they played up -- but prior to AIT he never made any comments -- because he had nothing to compare with to let him know there was a difference.
I wasn't doing anything else at the time just maintenance on long standing treatments. Perhaps rectifying the vestibular caused a knockon effect that did affect the biochemistry.
aba and $onri$e have issues; viral exposure, stupidity and in the case of $on$rise, an overslick religious like cultural machine
aba also is a cultural machine, just not overslick ;o)
i have to hand it to the usa, the way the techniques of the missionary programs of various religions and scientology have migrated into business marketing techniques is VERY effective
a bit of intelligent interest and the use of message boards by a stay at home mother can always take you a lot further for a lot less cost and viral exposure than any 'bought' therapy
if there is an interest, learning to play the piano can help with hand motor skills, strength and independence, but, since the brain is rewiring itself, u need to watch for problems
i don't have any conclusion to the AIT thread above, years ago when i was a teenager i did a sort of ait with mahler (the songs on the death of children is so beautiful), chopin, berlioz, tchaikovsky, some of beethoven, ravel, rimsky-korsakov................ then i dropped it and haven't really gone back cause the recordings these days are so deficient.
what autism is and therapy are not separate questions so the who_knows post below may help with understanding
just looking at his recent win (july 06) and the guy who came second said that woods had the ability to reach another level when others get to close to him
but what actually happens is that when some-one else gets close to him he realises that the outcome of the game gets a bit random and he does a very autistic thing
he deconstructs his personality to totally focus
it's hugely penal and neuro-typicals don't go there but it delivers the performance
he had a minor nervous break down after the game which is what you would expect
tho enough presence of mind to move on from the arms of his caddy to his wife ;o)
people just see what looks like a very smooth competent golfing and don't understand where he goes which is death
all these games like golf and football are just evolutions of battle practice
golf and cricket are probably from archery and weapon throwing and use practices
would never get past a sports editors desk
actually people who travel a lot internationally like tiger woods and other sporting celebrities and i guess people like obama who would be stuffed full of travel vaccines get very affected by them, in part because usually several vaccines are given at the same time
they really get downsized intellectually, george bush was on the verge of alzheimers imo
just a permanent mental and general health downsizing (including joint issues) which shows !
the basic problem with vaccines is not the pharms but political, governments are not prepared to put the ten or twenty billion dollars over thirty years or so that vaccine safety research needs
no, that money has to go on stupidly started and run wars apparently
a pecanbread thread titled 'high cholesterol' (september 2004)
Carolyn writes:
My blood work for my preop just got back and I have high cholesterol. I have
always had high cholesterol and you couldn't tell by just looking at me as
I am as thin as can be. My cholesterol is 260-the bad kind. I believe double
than it should be. I am only 32 yrs old. I was hoping the diet might help
lower it. Any suggestions on how I can change some of things I am using to
further lower it,. Been on SCD for 1yrs now.
my reply:
because i eat a lot of fats, 150ml of double cream a day and a heap of bone marrow fat and also a friend has heart trouble i got quite interested in this question
i don't call one type of cholesterol bad or the other good, rather they are both necessary, the ldl (bad is in the idiot medical paralance) is esssential for various body funtions and also lays fat down in the arteries, i assume as a sort of buffer to provide blood sugar if it gets short, the other, hdl, scours the arteries of this fat to make for better blood flow and maybe the blood more slippery.
so its a balance.
if you are familiar with the very heavy fat polish "optimal diet", a lot of emphasis is placed on animal offal to provide the trace minerals to metabolise fat. if you do a web search you will reel at how much fat they eat. the amount i eat is just nothing.
so basically you are trace mineral deficient, you will need a spectrum of minerals
the next thing is that the body makes more hdl cholesterol in response to aerobic exercise. running is really the best and since you are thin you will do quite well at it. i recommend asic running shoes to absorb the shock. with running you need to be warm and start slowly and part of the point is simply getting warm enough towards the end to do a little aerobic push into breathlessness. just start slowly until you get the hang of it.
running also strongly promotes the bodies own statin production.
citrus also promotes statins, i hand squeeze oranges and grapefruit on a small plastic mould and eat some portion but not all of the grapefruit integuement.
actually is fascinating to squeeze juice like this and realise that there's no way the store bought fruit juice is anything but heavily adulterated.
you probably have hormone issues as well.
bill clinton went the medical way with a crummy diet (south beach 'kill em slowly') and is now having a heart by pass. you can work and get a lot of money but what good does it do you? keeping heart surgeons in bermuda holidays?
there are always clots formed as the blood goes through the heart lung machine for an open heart operation, and its just a question of how severe the brain damage is from mini strokes, bill clinton became a half person after his operation
i hope you don't have amalgam fillings, they really muck with cholesterol.
if you give people a choice between heart medications with lots of side effects and a slow termination of the living process from the medications OR something time and attention intensive like my supplement and exercise plan they always take the medical approach.
what can i say?
sarah replies:
Hi all. I gotta say I'm in agreement on this fat issue. My whole family (extended) follow the polish
superfat diet and they all have low cholesterol. It really is all about finding a balance because the
foods you eat not only interact with your body but with each other.
my personal opinion is that 80% of exercises cause more problems and injury than they solve, but the useful 20% offer strong benefits, especially for the aging male
the immune system activation is at its strongest on waking, therefore exercise first thing in the morning needs a bit of thinking about
don't exacerbate existing injuries, for instance i have i figure a L4 or L5 disk/vertebrae problem so i am careful about bending
regular sun on the skin is immunosupressive for joints, this works and exercises never helped
joints wear and the more stress and use you put them under, the more damaged they get, there's whole generations of young men crippling themselves in later life by weight training !
the importance of using the leg load bearing muscles for neuron generation
there’s more and more research around now about the “ nanoparticle ” and fine particulate problem in traffic fumes, you really want to minimise your exposure which includes not doing any activity which causes you to breathe deeply in traffic, ie exercise like running or bike riding
“ PM2.5 particles are air pollutants with a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less, small enough to invade even the smallest airways. These particles generally come from activities that burn fossil fuels, such as traffic , smelting, and metal processing ”
“ long-term exposures to traffic-related air pollution of PM2.5abs, PM10, NO2, and NOx were positively associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in middle-aged adults ”
i am getting more wary of exercises as i now (jan 2008) have a sore acromioclavicular joint in my right shoulder from i think lifting 3 kg dumbells up and down over my head and bulking up the shoulder muscle and tendon from this, which reduced the circulation to the joint, wore it more, and enabled more force to be put on it
also i did this first thing on getting up and i think the ligaments get too soft overnight to constrain movement enough to protect the joints and especially the spine
now in july 2010 after several years of trouble free joints i have a sore left sacroiliac joint and left leg in the L3 dermatone area inducted in part by a bit of topical use of 35% hydrogen peroxide and sleeping on too hard a mattress
but also by the daily use of a wiggle or hula/hula hoop type exercise without the hoop, which is way too hard on the lower spine
i was interested to come across this comment on the web
“ in an earlier craze for hula hoops, many people permanently damaged their spine and back muscles. be careful and take things slowly ”
also i have been bending too much from the waist and am learning to squat or drop one leg - kneel more
there is a lot of potential in slowing movements and thinking about how to go about them in daily activity
if you think about it, the most amount of time you spend in one position is during sleep and mattresses have a surprising impact on this , i swapped my very nice innersprung for a 5" thick, stiffish foam mattress that seems to work quite well
this is so that if i do sleep on my side, then the bed conformed more to my body shape , but also the foam mattress seems to impel me to sleep more on my stomach which is better for the sacroiliac joint
sleeping on the back is best though for my ACJ and sacroiliac joint, but not good for digestion and the appendix so i sleep on my side
winter viruses are also a very significant contributor to joint issues and some viruses particularly
movements need to be natural, warm and flowing and really only the legs seem designed for repetitive movements
the occasional run on the road has never hurt me, it just became a problem when i did three days in a row and developed some heel soreness despite wearing asic running shoes with gel in the heel
i think running on asphalt is prone to developing rsi in the feet or ankles since the foot motion is very repetitive
the big advantage of road running or jogging on any surface is it jolts
the bones inducting osteocalcin which builds bones and signals the pancreas !
too much exercise or physical work depletes body nutrients (b vitamins, minerals and some amino acids) and sugar reserves
hypoglycemia following exercise can be an issue with diabetics study
IL-6, -- a myokine -- which is a cytokine produced from muscle contraction, is significantly elevated with exercise and signals the microglia to remove the amyloid plaques characteristic of alzheimers study
it is quite easy and very effective to do one or two stretches through the day, just be careful not to do too much at one time and keep doing them at occasional times through the day
avoid repetitions, the body is just not designed for repetitive movements ,
especially as you age !
as you get older and the depletion of glycosaminoglycans dramatically increases the ability of fluid to flow out of cartilage which of course reduces the ability of cartilage to buffer shock, you need to reduce any activity which has fast movement or any short of shock in it
when i feel viral, even tho i don't feel like doing anything i am careful to keep doing lymph moving exercises because thats when it is most needed
just jumping back and forth a couple of times on a small step or doing a sort of skipping while walking can useful
the fuller range of movement that exercises give is necessary, just the ordinary movement from working and walking is not enough
running while useful, especially for lung and rib cage movement, is still too restricted in the movements necessary for whole body lymph movement
a you tube search on lymph exercises is productive
tracey anderson makes the point about not getting entrained in repetitive exercise patterns, keeping the movements different
you move everything you can without setting up damaging oppositions e.g. like throwing the fingers out as well as moving the arm forward seems a safe and useful movement.
you particularly have to watch for oppositional head movements damaging the vertebrae and associated neck cartilage
my view after being bitten badly twice with joint issues from exercises is just to limit myself to stretches i have worked out are non injurying and the odd bit of semi-aerobic movement
one the focuses is on moving lymph into the lymph nodes as that's where the b cells are
there's T cells on the macrophages in the lymph, but you need the conjugation with the b cells in the lymph nodes for effective anti-viral and anti-infective action
lymph fluid is up to 20% of body weight and there are 400-500 lymph nodes in the body
when i was taught exercises at school back in the sixities, in hindsight they were all really about lymph movement
i think qui gong is also about lymph movement from looking at this
my own experience is exercise is a mixed bag, the improvement in cardiovascular and immune health is good, the joint/tendon stress/wear problems are not and this massively accelerates as you get older
a lot of iodine is lost in sweat
you don't need a trampoline or vibration platform, i think just bouncing up and down in the same spot gives the same effect
it takes so much time to to get a memory for an exercise, its something you have to build over a while daily
tracey anderson's exercises have a natural intelligence you can feel when you do them
i don't want people thinking that i am just being the usual stupid male being swayed by what is almost soft pornography which is unfortunately a stylistic device that anderson deliberately uses
she is quite autistic, doesn't even open her mail apparently and has a habit of taking money without necessarily sending videos or fulfulling exercise subscriptions as per her detractors on the web
she has kidney problems and fluid retention and no doubt biofilm issues
however she has worked out her exercises with a keen insight as to what doesn't damage and gives some of the right blood and lymph circulation
however this is more my style :o)
i did a few pilates cat and dog stretches from a video on you tube (now deleted : o) ,
maybe this is a more informed demonstration, she at least seems cognizant of the problem/s of exacerbating damage !
my brother swears by pilates for back pain, i'm not so sure
it's hard to believe how much damage some of these exercises can do if they are wrong and anderson is one of the only ones i have come across that has it somewhat right, even so, she encourages too many reps and things like weights which i don't like
bounching up and down on the same spot can damage the sacroiliac joints, inducting osteoarthritis
they particularly don't like two feet landing at the same time being designed to dynamically shift the load from the upper body through the pelvis to the legs with the alternating gait when walking
depending on which joints may be injured or worn, some movements will not be a good idea, but complete avoidance of movement for joint injuries is not a good idea either as you lose promotion of circulation in the joint
so imo some careful stretching/movement of damaged joints is necessary
anderson's diet is totally crazy
americans have this weird attitude to food, like no attention to the source or quality, just eat it
lobotimised at birth by vaccines i guess
i think the mistake of yoga is to make the ligaments and tendons too floppy so that they no longer act like a spring
but as an idea source for stretches i think these bikram yoga poses are not too dangerous and maybe useful
not done to the extremes anyway
hot yoga is not advised for pregnant women, since it can raise the core body temperature.
1938 krisnamacharya yoga video
ball sports have issues study
“ Your body is meant to work in a certain way, if you jump for the tennis ball while twisting your back, you put too much stress on your body because it's an unnatural movement ”
“ the risks are particularly high in sports where the body is held asymmetrically and repetitive movements are made. ”
“ If you play baseball, squash, tennis, or golf, dr. ratzon suggests that you balance this asymmetrical activity by alternating the use of your right and left arms before, during and after the game, at home or at the office. ”
cartilage has a variable ability to regenerate , depending on age and location
exercises increasing hip strength relieve knee pain study
exercise is metabolically very expensive and historically heavy manual work has been strongly associated with reduced life expectancy and cumulative aging issues
the flush type niacin can somewhat compensate for reduced exercise
if you do gym workouts, be careful not to overdo it, the trick with exercise is to get lymph movement AND some aerobic circulation and keeping the metabolic and joint damage costs to a minimum.
i would wonder if gyms are sources of viral infection ?
imho all the exercise gurus etc is a load of joint damaging crap and I am just doing the odd stretch I am working out and that's all
exercise = RSI and it's just a fact
two themes seem to be consistently backed by research in the last year or so (2007/8)
one is the benefit of a nap for the brain and memory
the other is exercise to offset the effects of aging
doing enough of a run within an hour of getting up to make me puffed and work the lymph through my lungs makes a big improvement to my anti-viral immunity, the air needs to be warm though
“ we thought that oxygen demand in the heart would be higher with cold-air breathing and we also thought that oxygen supply would be a little bit impaired. and that's generally what we found.
breathing cold air during exercise can cause uneven oxygen distribution throughout the heart. but a healthy body generally corrects for this problem and redistributes blood flow, making sure the heart continues to function properly.
in people with heart and cardiovascular problems this is not the case ” study
the big problem with exercise is joint and tendon wear/damage, consistent running on hard surfaces is bad for this and lifting 3 kg weights above shoulder height in conjunction with doing some block splitting of some very hard wood injured a rotator cuff tendon on my right shoulder
reduced exercise of course reduces the need for calories and larger digestive loads to support the high calorie expenditure of exercise
even not drinking cold drinks, but warming them can make quite a difference to calorie expenditure needs, you just have to look at how much gas heat it takes to warm water - all calories!
the flush type niacin gives some of the benefits of exercise without the wear/damage issues
the human body is just not designed for repetitive movements and you only get so many movements permitted in a life time before wear problems develop
once you hit fifty autoimmunity problems really accelerate, compounding massively joint and exercise issues
i had wondered why any substantial running in the morning, especially before breakfast or any time really until mid/late afternoon did not seem to work for me and this must be the reason
“ In the particular case of the cardiovascular system clocks probably evolved to protect the blood supply to individual organs from large shifts in blood pressure, such as might be caused by the adrenaline rush of danger or exercise. ” study
too bigger a stimulation of blood pressure at a time when it really does not suit, afternoon runs work best
also i think the muscles are too relaxed on first rising in the morning to do anything except mild exercises safely from a joint damage point of view - the musculature is not taut enough to prevent the joints hurting themselves
maybe it takes an hour from first waking in the morning until the muscles are tight enough ?
vitamin A receptors modulate the wake-sleep cycle in blood vessels
“ blood pressure varies in all of us throughout the day. this pattern, circadian variability, is exaggerated in patients who have high blood pressure, suggesting that the mechanisms which control this rhythm are disturbed
indeed, this altered biorhythm seems to have clinical consequences.
heart attacks and strokes occur most commonly early in the morning
when blood pressure is at its highest point in its 24 hour cycle
[...] the central clock responds to changes in
light intensity whereas in a vascular clock, this signal may be blood
borne hormones or metabolic signals
in the particular case of the cardiovascular system clocks probably evolved to protect the blood supply to individual organs from large shifts in blood pressure, such as might be caused by the adrenaline rush of danger or exercise. we realized 20 years ago that this system was disturbed in people with high blood pressure ”
when i wake up in the morning , i do some arm and body movements, neck stretches, humming and vocalizations to resonate the lungs and nasal passages which stimulate the immune system and flick my eyes corner to corner and up and down to exercise the trabecular meshwork and thus reduce intraocular eye pressure !
also changing the focus of the eyes from distance to close may help exercise the endothelial cells that act as a gateway to the schlemm's canal !
neck stretches want to be developed over a while and caution used,
you don't want to put a tear in the cervical arteries !
only do a partial rotation of the head, and most of the movements should be side to side, diagonal and up and down and not rotations at all!
however neck stretches are known to reduce stroke risk, but extreme forceful movements as in chiropractic manipulation may be problematic !
popping their necks has caused a stroke for some from a torn vertebral artery
you have to be careful to avoid joint damage with exercises, what in fact i do is guided by what i think will move the lymph best
exercises and stretches are much more about the brain, nerves, spine, joints, arteries, veins and lymph than the muscles
stretches may promote the expelling of debris, such as blood clots, cholesterol or calcium plaque from the capillaries study
a big problem with aging is increasing non-specificity of the immune system, these exercises will help the immune system be more directed by helping pump antigens into the lymph nodes
however with exercises you are on the horns of a dilemma, the above benefits versus the fact that repetitive movements can cause cumulative joint injury that takes a while to become apparent!
eileen's comment on high heels :
“ i remember a neighbour years ago in my late teens used to wear them all the time
years later in her 20's she couldn't wear flats she claimed they put her back pelvis out so i think she'd stuffed herself with the heels already ”
eileen's comment on exercising :
“ maybe stretches are about the only ones worth doing at our age with a bit of swimming walking and the normal everyday exercise from housework and gardening ”
non - damaging
of these
“ from this research , we have been able to show that regular physical activity, such as jogging, can actually strengthen the intervertebral discs
It is also important to reduce the amount of time spent in static postures, such as sitting or even standing still. Even going for a walk during a break at work, or choosing to take the stairs rather than the elevator is good for the discs as well as overall back health
walking exercise may give the same results as chronic running exercise on the discs ”
i will be slowly updating this as i get the time, but basically it's the process of years developing an understanding of useful, non damaging moves
one of the first things is resonating the sinus's and lingual tonsils (and throat tonsils if you still have them in) by humming and singing/chanting
a loud hum to vibrate the nasal passages helps excite the immune system in that area
similarly a sort of low ‘ huh ‘ or ‘ who ‘ focused in their respective areas to resonate the lungs, chest, spleen, intestine and liver
this encourages the release of nitric oxide from these organs which is an immune system signaller
i can almost pick what hums resonate what area
its a help to the tilt the head almost right back and humming with the head like this will resonate the sinuses
singing/chanting with some suitable exhalations vibrate the lungs, upper and lower and the rib cage cavity
monastic chanting i think is designed to give lymph moving and nitric oxide eliciting resonances, especially korean and possibly tibetan
i was driving back from town yesterday and just working on lymph moving vocalizations for the sinus, lingual tonsils and chest and sorta pieced together this in a tune i have now forgotten
what the blue seas show
and the red capes show
shall we ever know
where the red rose grows
and the blue stream flows
will we ever know
will we ever know
will we ever know
the point is that lymph movement is fundamental to health as you get older, if you look at children, they seem to do these exercises naturally with their energy and flexibility
it's lymph movement first and aerobics second and muscle development and weight are artifacts and not to be pursued as such, but will come right by themselves as other things fall into place
stretching exercises help keep the arteries flexible as u get older
“ middle age and older adults who began a regular stretch exercise program significantly improved the flexibility of their carotids, a major artery found in the neck. ”
lymph also is drained into the neck veins video, so neck stretches are important
just simple squats are a very useful stretch encouraging blood circulation in the brain : o)
eye, head and neck movements:
move the eyes up and down corners and midway points : o )
squishing up the eyes and face muscles, moving and stetching the jaw, moving the head, doing a figure of eight with the nose, nodding up and down and side to side
be careful of a full stretching rotation of the head since some of the neck cartilage may be adversely affected by this, sorta see how it goes but i am cautious with this exercise
stretching the neck by moving the head back and forward centrally, then along a line about 45° from the back of the head stretches the carotid arteries and veins usefully
rotating the neck side to side
lebed method rotating head movement video
lebed method side to side head movement video
as you get older, the sense of balance needs exercising so i do some exercises deliberately a bit off balance so one sways about, giving both more movement as well as balance development.
other exercises like standing on one leg and stretching the other leg to the side or front naturally require a sense of heightened balance
if you want to lose balance, close or half shut your eyes or tilt your head in a random way
i think quite a bit more happens than straight muscle building like nerve development and angiogenesis in the area including in the spine study
not the mechanics of the muscles and joints themselves
the brain is taxed to its limits to do dexterous movements
that's why even minor brain injuries can have a catastrophic effect on mobility
and why exercises are really a thinking problem
Dexterous tasks may be limited by our brain's capacity to handle the anatomy and mechanics of our muscles
A new study (2009) suggests activities combining movement and force tax our brains to capacity, countering a long-held belief that difficulty with dexterous tasks results from the limits of the muscles themselves. The findings may help explain why minor damage to the neuromuscular system can at times profoundly affect one's ability to complete everyday tasks.
"Our results show how much the mechanics of the body, and a given task, affect what the brain can or can't do," said Francisco Valero-Cuevas of the Brain-Body Dynamics Lab at the University of Southern California, who led the research.
"The so-called 'problem' of muscle redundancy--having too many muscles and joints to control--may not be the only challenge the brain faces when
controlling our bodies. Rather, we seem to have about as many muscles as we need, and not too many, as others have proposed in the past."
"The scientific world and the clinical world have long been arriving at conflicting conclusions, and this work begins to resolve the paradox. While neuroscience and biomechanics studies have suggested that muscles and joints are, in theory, redundant and provide numerous alternative
solutions to simple tasks, clinicians routinely see people seeking treatment for hand disability resulting from relatively minor conditions such as aging."
This research follows earlier experiments that suggested our brain and complex musculature can barely keep up with requirements posed by our anatomy and the mechanics of even ordinary, real-world, finger tasks like rubbing a surface. The conclusions begin to explain why even minor damage to the neuromuscular system seems to produce real deficits in manipulation.
The research focused on simultaneous force and motion--specifically from fingers either pushing or rubbing a surface--with volunteers conducting the experiment at defined, yet varying, speeds.
Knowing the force-producing properties of muscle, the researchers expected the rubbing motion would show reduced downward force as the speed of motion increased. Surprisingly, whether rubbing slowly or at a pace 36-times faster, speed had little affect on the downward force the volunteers could produce.
the results are interpreted to mean that the brain is sufficiently occupied by the physical demands of combining motions and forces, so the muscle properties are not the limiting factors for how much force the fingers can create.
"This begins to explain the clinical reality that when something in the system is damaged, either in the brain or body, we can see losses of function. We are not as redundant as we thought."
people who spend a lot of time in pool water seem to get their health affected, we are really not designed for it and in addition chlorine is quite well absorbed through the skin
the australian swimmer ian thorpe now has a sort of CFS from all the time he has spent in a pool !
don't be fooled by the public postures of these people, the press are gullible, malevolent, untrustworthy toads!
america seems to have a culture that supports professional level injuries in so called “ recreational sports ” for children and teenagers! unreal !
fernando torres is a nut case btw !
he plays in a too injured state, just fucking his later life, but then most professional sports are like that, concussion damage in american football is unreal for instance !
the hidden level of injuries in these public sports figures is just phenomenal!
in NFL the problem is so bad that the rules will have be changed to make the sport less crippling to players, but you know it's like the gladiators of old, men sacrificed to the public need for vicarious thrills !
concussion is the end stage of a lot of cumulative brain damage ! study
this series of fMRI images of loss of brain function of a footballer from the above study over two seasons is shocking !
be a sucker !